February 2024

Vol. XXV, No. 1
Muckleshoot indian reservation, wash.
February 2024
From the Front Page

The Seattle Times: How the Boldt Decision 50 Years Ago Remade Pacific Northwest Fishing

Muckleshoot fishermen Dezi Louie, wearing red, and Levi Hamilton join other tribal boats for a chum opening on Elliott Bay. Their ancestors could never have imagined this cityscape, but they knew their people would need to be able to continue to travel to hunt, fish and gather as they always had. The treaty right to fish was insisted on by tribes when pressed to sign treaties with the U.S. in 1855 that cleared the way for white settlement. (Erika Schultz / The Seattle Times)

Read the Original Story

January 14, 2024 · Lynda V. Mapes, Seattle Times environment reporter

The Boldt decision of 1974 was the result of sacrifices made by Native fishers and their families who were jailed and beaten while defending their rights.

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Vol. XXV, No. 1

February 2024

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About the Muckleshoot Messenger

The Muckleshoot Messenger is a Tribal publication created by the Muckleshoot Office of Media Services. Tribal community members and Tribal employees are welcome to submit items to the newspaper such as news, calendar items, photos, poems, and artwork.